As you know, I’ve embarked on a national research study on Women Succeeding Abundantly, in order to learn first-hand the essential ingredients in thinking, beliefs, choices, and behaviors that create and maintain “knock- your-socks-off success” in women. I want to learn all this from women who can raise their hands today and say, “Yes! I feel tremendously successful on my terms, and am able to live life joyfully and with great gusto.”
Why do I want to study this topic? Because from where I sit there are precious few people on earth today who achieve a continual state of “feeling” successful, who know down to their toes that they are successful and don’t need external measures to validate that. And there are even fewer people who see their lives as a fantastic adventure in success rather than in failure.
I’m drawn to learn as much as I can from these women who say “Yes I Am” abundantly successful, because I believe that when we feel successful in terms that are personal, meaningful, and self-defined, then we’re living a grand life of passion, power, and purpose, and having a ball. We’re following the dictates of our own values, beliefs and priorities, and we’re shaping our destinies as want them, not as our prior conditioning, training and cultural influences taught us are “right.”
I’m also drawn to conducting this study for a deeply personal reason – because my own relationship with abundant success over my adulthood has been spotty at best. My experience of abundant success can characterized as this:
1) I believe in the inherent right and capability of EVERY human being to live an abundantly successful life
2) I feel abundantly successful, but only SOMETIMES
3) I’ve glimpsed at achieving financial abundance, and want more of it (It’s awesome!)
4) I continue to be challenged in achieving that beautiful equilibrium between setting heart-aligned goals and going for them with everything I’ve got, but not being crushed when they don’t come to pass
5) While the “Secret” and the Law of Attraction have been helpful to me and others, the ways in which they are being taught are incomplete at best, misguided and incorrect at worst.
6) I want to teach myself, and in turn, thousands of other women, new and exciting ways to create– and sustain– an experience of internal and external abundance and success
The first step I’m taking is to immerse myself in new learning. The second step is to reshape what I hear into a model that makes sense for me, and fits what I know to be true.
What I know to be true right now is that financial abundance is not the only way through which one can feel abundantly successful. However, in our society which is immersed in the energy of money, if you want financial abundance and have not been successful achieving it, then an internal feeling of success is virtually impossible, unless you intentionally create a shift within you that, in turn, allows for greater success.
So I’ve started there, looking at women’s relationships with money, success, achievement, recognition – the outer stuff. I’m then peeling the layers down to look at the inner experiences and practices that abundantly successful women embrace and nurture to access their own power and success.
What I’ve learned so far…
Without a consistent nurturing of your own internal feelings of success, the external measures of success won’t come to you (or if they do, they’ll be fleeting and come with struggle, strain, and challenge).
So let’s start now by getting in closer touch with our own internal barometers of success. How do you personally define abundant success? Do you want it, and do you have it? If not, what keeps you from wanting it or feeling it? What can you do today to begin to “feel” more successful, before the outer signs of it appear?
I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts about your experiences with abundant success, and what you know to be true about you and success. Please share your insights – teach us!
Thank you for sharing, and here’s to our many breakthroughs to abundant success!
The post Becoming Abundantly Successful – What Does It Take? appeared first on Kathy Caprino.